Cleaned and carded white, gray and black roving available.
Turnip grows gorgeous, curly tendril-like locks
You can see the shine of the fibers even prior to washing.
Gorgeous, Long, Lustrous Locks
Wensleydale sheep are a large, longwool breed that are rare in the United States. They have beautiful, lustrous wool with a long staple which is curly and purled.We are so happy with our small flock. Not only are they great fiber producers but they have lovely personalities.
Soft and bouncy locks are a joy to work with!
Raw Fleeces, Wool Batting, Roving and Locks:
Raw fleeces, clean roving, batting and locks for sale by the ounce or pound. White, gray and black available. Raw fleece prices $14.00-$25.00 per pound. Roving and batting $4 per ounce. Washed locks $6 an ounce.
Many of our fleeces have placed in local fiber fairs.
Buy Wool Locks, Roving and Batting at our Etsy shop:
Keep up with our new products and events with our monthly newsletter:
This time of year I take a look at my numbers and see how things are panning out. I haven’t raised prices of my soaps in 5 years, but my costs have gone up. So unfortunately I have to pass a little of that along and raise my prices by a dollar this year. This […]
I am so appreciative of Mary Jo Winter and the Press Democrat for their article in today’s newspaper:
Erin and Lauren at Humble and Grand started carrying my dryer balls recently. They flattered me by featuring me in their monthly Artist Profile. Check out the interview on their blog.
JUNE 19TH, 2016 KPFA CRAFTS FAIR ARTISTS San Francisco and Beyond Jun 19, 2016 Other radio stations should have it so good. Twice a year, profits from the KPFA CRAFTS FAIR supplement operational costs for this popular Berkeley community radio station. So, we’re talking about 200 artists, working in all media, surrounded by entertainment, […]
KPFA summer fair this weekend at the Craneway Pavilion in Richmond. Come say hello and pick up a unique gift for the Dad or Grad in your life!
Ferdinand and Flora One of my favorite things about having a flock of sheep is watching and learning about all the individual personalities and social dynamics of the group. I have been fortunate enough to be able to provide a place for sheep who needed homes and that has brought different breeds and traits together. One […]
This years shearing day went perfectly! Lovely weather and a smooth progression. Every year is slightly different and exciting as it shows the wool from at least six months growth. Twenty seven in all were sheared this time; seventeen Wensleydales, seven Karakuls and three Corriedales. I often have some anxiety […]
People often ask how I got into this business. Here is my story: I was not raised on a farm. Shepherding wove its way into my life over several years. I was working at a job that left me stressed and unfulfilled. Waking up with dread every morning thinking about the day that lay ahead […]
One of the things I like best about my farm is getting to give a forever home to my animals. Usually when livestock is no longer profitable they are sold off to auction which eventually ends in slaughter. I love my animals dearly and could never do this to them. I am willing to care […]