I have been madly making enough felted soaps to get me thru my upcoming season of craft fairs. Next weekend, Labor Day, kicks off my very full fair season with the Paul Bunyan Days in Fort Bragg. I have 14 fairs packed between Labor Day and mid-December; this my busiest year yet!
I won’t have time to felt much in between fairs and the rest of my life/farm obligations during the fall so I’ve had to get all my stock ready this summer. I have amassed about 1400 felted soaps that I’m hoping I will sell during this busy holiday season. This will be my last week of felting and I think I will be ready and set to sell, sell, sell.
I am amazed that at this point I’m not sick of the process or of the scents but I guess that is a testament to how much I love this work. Even the bad days creating are really pretty good. Now that does not ring true for fairs exactly. A bad fair can be really bad depending on weather, people, sales, etc and can be pretty discouraging. Even then though, I am living my dream so it is rewarding in a way as well. At least I am living my life the way I want to.
Maybe I won’t have any bad shows this season and all my hard work will be snatched up and taken away by happy customers. Ah, one can hope at least. 🙂 Wish me luck!