For the past year the animals of Plum Blossom Farm have been spoiled with fresh, organic fruits and veggies. My friend Farah, who passed the ducks along to me, was very kind to share in the produce she gets from a local small grocery chain. The produce the store sorts through and can’t sell because it’s slightly wilted or blemished gets put in a bin for us each day. Some of the produce looks perfect and I cannot figure out why it got thrown out at all.
The sheep and ducks eat the majority of the veggies. The ducks favorite treats are butter lettuce and tomatoes. The sheep love celery, apples, carrots and to my surprise, oranges. It is so fun to watch them run to see what time of goods the produce piles hold each morning. I love to spoil them and it helps cut down on my hay bill which is always a good thing!