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The sweet sound of sheep grazing…

corriedale sheep persephone

I have to share one of my favorite sounds in the world.  The lovely noise a happy sheep makes grazing on lush, green pasture.  I hope the sound quality is good enough on these short clips so you can hear.  I suggest watching the first time then pressing play again and closing your eyes.  I hope it brings you the same feeling of peace and calm it brings me.  There is something so palpable about listening and observing someone who is joyful.  And these beauties certainly are.

Check out the different styles of grazing that these two sheep have.  The first video features Rabbit, a white Karakul wether.  The second is of Persephone, aka Percy, a chocolate Corriedale ewe.


To view, click on the links below:






corriedale sheep persephone

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At last- out to fresh pastures!

sheep in left field


Joy!  The sheep are able to do what they are born to do – graze!  They fields have dried out enough that I have moved them into three of the four fields, moving rotationally so it’s easier on the land.

They are so happy and contented this time of year.  The grass is cool and lush, the weather is in the 70s, they can come and go as they please.  It is absolute bliss.

When they are stuck in the barnyard and they see me before the evening feeding they will all sing a chorus of “we are bored and hungry, please feed us now”.  These days though there is this wonderful quiet due to happy sheep with full bellies.  Pretty heavenly.  Their feeling of peace is thankfully contagious.

Wish this could last forever but hot, dry days will be here before we know it.  Better enjoy each moment of this season while it’s here…

Dandelion and friends