Spotlight on a Sheep Breed – Karakul
Ever since I started learning about sheep breeds I have been fascinated with Karakuls
(pronounced care-a-kul). Karakuls are a relatively primitive breed compared to those developed in Europe. They hail from Central Asia and are thought to be one of the oldest breeds of domesticated sheep, raised since 1400 BC. They are very rare here in the US.
Karakuls have a high percentage dark gene so many are black. A medium sized sheep, they weigh between 100-225 lbs. Their ears often point down unlike most sheep.
They have a broad tail where they store extra fat.
They have a very rough wool which contains guard hairs. This makes it an excellent felting wool but would be most uncomfortable next to bare skin. The wool makes really strong bonds and is great for rope or sturdier items, like my cat caves.
They are considered a long wool sheep measuring between 6-12 inches with very little grease/lanolin.
Unfortunately, Karakuls are best know for their pelts. When the lambs are born they have a very tight, black curl to their fleece. It is terrible, but somehow this got to be a fashion ingredient and coats and hats were made. These babies lose this tight weave when they are three days old so they are harvested before that, sometimes even fetal Karakuls. It makes me sick to think of these darlings losing their lives for someones coat.
My Karakuls came to me because their mom lost their land lease in the village of Mendocino. She had a lot of animals to place and I was able to give a home to 7 of them. I was a foster parent to 5 others, but the longer they stayed with me the more attached I grew until I could no longer part with them.
They are a unique sheep. Very bold, intelligent and independent. They do not herd well and never seem to relax around my dogs. All the other sheep learn my pups are friendly but the Karakuls continue to stomp at them, and me for that matter, when they get stressed. Luckily they call the shots around the barnyard so they aren’t stressed very often! They are big snugglers and put themselves in my way to get attention. They are the goatiest sheep I have ever met!
Stay tuned next month for a giveaway of Harvest Fair tickets in next months newsletter!