A month of expensive vet visits are the most current events at Plum Blossom Farm. The older sheep in the flock are needing dental work. Most sheep are not allowed to grow old. They are sent to slaughter far before they need any medical care. On my farm however all the animals have a forever home here and are given whatever medical attention they need.
Just like horses, sheeps teeth continue to grow throughout their life. This is probably where the phrase “long in the tooth” comes from. This becomes a problem as the grinding molars grow and cause each bite to be painful. The sheep in this condition lose weight and become thin. I have heard so many times that old sheep just get skinny, there is no way you can fatten them up. But apparently this is the actual problem and it is at least manageable. But it does cost – $125 each.
I found a new wonderful vet out of Potter Valley named Dr Rich Brazil. He was willing to float my older sheep’s teeth. This means filing them down. It was a long process with sedation involved but everyone made it through fine so far. I will do one more round of old girls and boys to make sure everyone’s teeth are in good shape. I had to break the patients into two
groups to divide the bill.
I am glad to do what I can for these sweet animals. It is so rewarding to see them eating better now and finally putting some weight back on; just in time for winter.