Thank goodness we got another storm that brought some more rain. I measured and this week the farm got 8+” from the storms that came through. At the end of last month I had started to get a little worried since our dry spell seemed to stretch on and on. We were having very warm temps for the winter as well. It definitely felt more like spring. The grass in my pasture had stopped growing and that is not what the sheep want to see!
As much as I hate keeping the sheep in the barn during a heavy storm it is very dry, warm and cozy in there. I put down fresh straw and everyone just hunkers down. And although nor the sheep or I enjoy slogging through the mud the days after a rain we all do love the life the water gives to the plants. Including the moisture received by the hay and alfalfa fields of the central valley which will feed the flock next year. I am hoping that we will get enough precipitation this winter to drastically lower the hay prices this year. I won’t hold my breath but I’ll keep my fingers crossed 🙂
The Russian River really flows after a big rain and it feels so good to watch it grow to a muddy, healthy size!