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The sweet sound of sheep grazing…

corriedale sheep persephone

I have to share one of my favorite sounds in the world.  The lovely noise a happy sheep makes grazing on lush, green pasture.  I hope the sound quality is good enough on these short clips so you can hear.  I suggest watching the first time then pressing play again and closing your eyes.  I hope it brings you the same feeling of peace and calm it brings me.  There is something so palpable about listening and observing someone who is joyful.  And these beauties certainly are.

Check out the different styles of grazing that these two sheep have.  The first video features Rabbit, a white Karakul wether.  The second is of Persephone, aka Percy, a chocolate Corriedale ewe.


To view, click on the links below:






corriedale sheep persephone

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Getting more out of Instagram

little yellow white daffodils

For those of you who haven’t gotten into Instagram yet I would encourage you to do so.  Maybe it’s my interests or who I chose to follow, but Instagram is by far the most positive avenue of social media I have found.  I think because it is based on images and people love beauty there are so many stunning photos running through.  And even the understated photos are usually showing something personal and meaningful.  It seems like a much more supportive atmosphere as well by the comments and likes I see.

I try to post pictures every few days from either around the farm or around Sonoma County.  That’s when I scroll through what everyone else is up to.  There are some very talented amateur photographers that can take surprisingly elegant photos with their phones.

Here are a few of my favorites:










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Plumeria Added

I have decided to add Plumeria to the line of felted soaps.  If it does well there it will be added to the lotion and body butter lines as well.  It was a request of a customer.  I’m glad she mentioned it because it is lovely.  It holds its scent well which is floral and sweet.  I have added it to the website so it is available here and now.  Enjoy!


Plumeria Felted Soap


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Winter in California is spoiling me!

pink red camellias

January and February have been so mild I feel guilty about what the East and Midwest have had to go through!  The green grass is really taking off now and so many flowers are in bloom!  First the daffodils popped out, then my plum trees started budding.  Now the Camiellia bush is bursting, the redbuds have arrived and the Brodiaea have blanketed the hills.

I just cannot keep from photographing these beauties!   On Instagram here.

little yellow white daffodils