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2014 Hay Season

This years hay has come in and it is beautiful but super expensive!  For hundred plus pound bales last year of high grade hay I paid $13 delivered.  This year for the same level of hay I’m paying $19.  Ouch!


California is having serious drought conditions and it has affected this years growing season.  There wasn’t enough rain for a lot of crops to grow and some fields didn’t even get planted.  Because of this we are looking at higher demand for the hay that was grown.  Word around town is there just won’t be enough hay to go around this year so regardless of price people are having to stock up while they can.  I know some people have had to sell off a lot of their animals which is so sad but I understand the predicament – less grass grew because of less rain, meaning they would have to buy extra of already pricey hay.





Tuesday will be my last delivery load and I’ll be done buying hay for the year.  Its been an expensive month!  But to see my critters happily munching on some tasty grass hay or alfalfa makes it well worth it.


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freshly picked plums in bowls  All of the sudden it seems every plum on the tree directly in front of the house was ripe at once.  Pounds and pounds of plump fruit needing attention immediately!





I started Monday with plum muffins which I luckily got to share with some friends passing through town.  I used fresh duck eggs in this yummy recipe.

plum muffins










Tuesday is made a delicious plum clafoutis, which is a crustless tart. I used this recipe with almond milk instead of cream/milk and it turned out perfect!

plum  crustless tart










Today I spent a few hours in the hot kitchen canning plum jam.  I made two batches from two recipes, this was a new one for me.

plum jam

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FAQs for the Shepherdess

black sheeps eye

I often get a lot of the same questions over and over when I am sitting in the booth at fairs.   Just in case any of you are having the same questions I thought I would answer a few of them here:

eucalyptus peppermint soap

What is a felted soap?

Easy to grip, this 100% wool covered soap gently exfoliates, leaving skin feeling clean and soft.
Also, works great for cleaning hard-working hands.

Wool will shrink along with soap. When soap is gone you will be left with a little scrubby which can be re-filled with soap slivers, guest soaps or used with your favorite liquid soap.


How many sheep do you have?

34.  25 Wensleydales, 7 Karakuls and 3 Corriedales.

Do they all have names?

Yes!  They are all individuals and have unique faces and personalities.  When I first met them I had no idea how I would ever tell them apart but now there is no way I could ever confuse one with another.

Do you shear them yourself?

No luckily I have a wonderful shearer I trust and who I think is worth his weight in gold.

Do you do all your own dyeing?

Yes!  Dyeing is one of my favorite parts of the creative process.

Do the dryer balls actually work?

Yes!  I have had nothing but enthusiastic reviews from my dryer balls.  They reduce static, cut down on drying time and soften clothes all without the use of harsh chemicals found in dryer sheets and fabric softeners.


How did you get into this?

I feel like I have always been headed toward this lifestyle.  As a little girl I always connected more with animals than with people.  I have been drawn to the country and a simpler way of life for as long as I can remember.  The sheep, bless their souls, helped me see how suited I really am for rural life and at the same time share their wool to give me a healthy creative outlet.
