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See you in Walnut Creek this weekend!


Plum Blossom Farm will have a booth at the Walnut Creek Fine Arts and Crafts Festival this weekend, April 26 and 27.

Artists arrive in Downtown Walnut Creek for a spring celebration during the 36th Annual Fine Arts and Crafts Festival. This semi-annual event extends along the sidewalks of North Main and the close street of Cypress, between North Main and Commerical lane.

Saturday, April 26th 10am-6pm
Sunday, April 27th 10am-5pm

Sidewalks of N. Main Street between Mt. Diablo Blvd. & Civic Drive, & the closed street of Cypress (between N. Main & Commercial Lane)

Sponsored by Walnut Creek Downtown, these Fine Arts Sidewalk Festivals are free to the public.

For more information about the Sidewalk Arts Festivals or to apply for a spot contact Pacific Fine Arts at (209) 267-4394 or visit

If you can join us for a fun day out come and say hello!


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New Girls Have New Names!

I am delighted to inform you all that we have a winner in the “Name the Ewes” Contest! Our winning entry came from Karen of South San Francisco.  Who sent me the following ideas:

Demey -(short for Demeter) Greek mythology Goddess of Harvest/Grain
Persephone- her daughter, Goddess of Spring/vegetation
Flora – Roman mythology – Goddess of Flowers and Spring

I will be naming Mama Demeter, her daughter Persephone and Auntie will be Flora.

I am so excited about these beautiful names and am looking forward to informing the ladies of their new elegant labels this evening.

Thank you so much to all of you who sent in your wonderful names!  I was so impressed with the participation and with the stature and quality of the ideas that were submitted!

Karen will be receiving a $50 gift certificate for Plum Blossom Farm to be redeemed either on our website or in person at an upcoming fair.



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All Together Now!


meeting new friendsAfter two weeks of quarantining the new girls and hearing a lot of baaing between them and the main flock it was time to combine the two groups.  I turned all the Wensleydales out to pasture and then let the three new girls out with them.  The three stayed tightly together and went baaing through the group.  I was just so proud of my Wensleydales who were so sweet and polite to the new comers.  They would say hello, touch noses and then go back to eating.  No following or harassing them and the meeting went as smoothly as could be hoped for.

two flocks combine

Since then I have watched the girls settle in nicely.  Baby who I was worried would have the most trouble since she had never met another sheep other than her mom and auntie, has adapted the best.  She is with the rest of the flock a lot of times now and following their cues.  She baas at me when they do like a teenager trying to fit in with the crowd.  Auntie is still the most jumpy and constantly wants to be near her sister.  If she gets separated she will call and call till she finds her again.  After watching her I don’t think anyone could ever doubt the bond between farm animals.  I anticipate that over the coming months the group will fade easily in with the flock but always enjoy each others company.

chrysanthemum and new girls

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Name Those Sheep Contest!

3 new ewes






Ok folks I need your help here.  These new girls need names!  Their old names Auntie, Mama and Baby need to be replaced since I have so many mamas, aunties and babies in my flock. I am asking for your ideas! I need three related female names for these three girls and the entry that wins will be given a $50.00 gift certificate for Plum Blossom Farm.

Just email your ideas for 3 related female names to me at I will pick the winners from the entries by April 15th and let everyone know the outcome in the next newsletter.

Thanks for your participation and creativity! Good luck!