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Blossoms Have Begun

flowering fruit tree

Every year it surprises me how early the first flowers of spring arrive here.  February seems like it should be the dead of winter but these brave blooms are a welcome treat.


One of the first trees to flower is the Plum tree which of course I am partial too.  Plum plum blossom treeblossoms are a symbol of strength and hope because of the time of year they bloom.




I have been lucky to be near Camellia bushes in most places I’ve lived and here is no exception.  These bright bursts of color are always a delight to red camellias






Just today I noticed I have pink roses coming into bloom from the most productive rose bush I have ever known.  She seems to come into season almost every month of the year.  Although even she takes a break in January. 🙂

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Janet Wentworth Interview

janetwentworthMy super smart Small Business Adviser, Janet Wentworth was interviewed recently on WriterSpeak.  She is in the process of promoting her new book, “Your Unstoppable Brand”, available on Amazon.

This interview contains a lot of great information about advancing your small business by sharing your story and your image with potential customers.  I think anyone who is starting out or even those who have a medium size businesses who are still struggling finding their ideal customer or fitting brand.

She even mentions Plum Blossom Farm in her interview which is exciting! Hope you enjoy!  If you don’t have time to watch the whole session you can skip to see the portion on Plum Blossom Farm at minute 21.

WriterSpeak with Janet Wentworth on Youtube



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When it rains, it pours

ducks in puddle


California had been waiting for rain and worrying about dry conditions.  This weekend we got a storm that took an edge off that worry.  On Saturday my house got 6″ of rain in a 24 hour period.  That’s A LOT!

I cleared all the drainage ditches in the morning and by the afternoon so much debris had washed down from the hills the ditches had overflowed and I had flooding.  It was a long day trying to get so much water to flow the ways that I wanted.

The sheep decided to stay cozy in the barn over the weekend while 8″ of much needed rain fell on the roof.  The ducks however had a ball!  Running/waddling as fast as their web feet would take them, they’d race towards the pasture and the little streams that popped up to dig their bills deep in the water and mud.  Whenever I get tired of the rain I can always watch the ducks thoroughly enjoying their playground and I feel happy about it once again.


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Lucky Sheep Get Daily Organic Salad Bar

sheep eating lettuce



For the past year the animals of Plum Blossom Farm have been spoiled with fresh, organic fruits and veggies.  My friend Farah, who passed the ducks along to me, was very kind to share in the produce she gets from a local small grocery chain.  The produce the store sorts through and can’t sell because it’s slightly wilted or blemished gets put in a bin for us each day.  Some of the produce looks perfect and I cannot figure out why it got thrown out at all.

The sheep and ducks eat the majority of the veggies.  The ducks favorite treats are butter lettuce and tomatoes.  The sheep love celery, apples, carrots and to my surprise, oranges.  It is so fun to watch them run to see what time of goods the produce piles hold each morning.  I love to spoil them and it helps cut down on my hay bill which is always a good thing!sheep and ducks produce