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Daffodils Already

little yellow white daffodils

I couldn’t believe my eyes yesterday when I spotted my first daffodils of the season.  They always sneak up on me but they seem even earlier this year.  I am honestly surprised they could make it out of the ground with the little rain we’ve had.

Anyway they were a welcome friendly presence opposed to the dying grass in the pasture.  The forecast is calling for rain in just a few days.  It feels like all of California is holding their breath and hoping for some moisture!

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We need rain…

sheep pasture

I rely heavily on the pastures I have to feed the sheep in the Spring and Summer.  Unfortunately this year we have not had much rain yet and it is making me a little nervous.

The little rain we did have started some of my grass seed growing but since we’ve had virtually no precipitation since then it has actually started to turn yellow and brown.  I’m just hoping for some measurable rain very soon so that all of it doesn’t die before it got a chance to be even an inch tall!

The other concern of mine comes with what this potential drought means for the hay crops this year.  If we don’t get enough rain it could have a serious impact on hay yields and prices come Spring.

I’m just trying not to worry since we often do get lots of rain in February, March and April.  Plus there is not a lot I can do about it one way or another.  This situation is clearly not under my control!

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Happy New Year!

2013 was the most successful year so far for Plum Blossom Farm.  I cannot express my gratitude enough for all the support and kindness from all the customers I had exchanges with.  Thank you to each and every one of you!  I feel so blessed to be able to be a part of an ancient craft and to be able to care for my animal family at the same time.

I am planning to do many more fairs in 2014 as well as expanding my online presence.   I look forward to growing this business, meeting new faces as well as seeing familiar customers once again.  Welcome 2014!