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February Feels Like An Early Spring!


Haggart and his Karakul family chomping away


Colorful Camelia


My friends try to remind me that it is common for Sonoma County to have spring-like Februarys and then fall back into the rainy season in March.  Well it feels like that may happen again this year because we have had plenty off sunshine and warmth lately. 

The flowers have started blooming and the clover has popped up.  The sheep devour the tender new greens and munch with noisy abandon. 

I saw that there is a storm headed our way next week so we will just enjoy these past few days of heaven before the mud returns. 

Ewe eating grass

Bayarma devours clover
pink flowers

So dainty and lovely!
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Joyful Ducks

ducks walking



Happy Ducks!


It brings me such pleasure to see happy animals.  My ducks are some of the most joyful creatures I have ever known.  Every morning they race out of the coop and into the pastures to find their breakfast.  They search out tender grasses, slugs and snails to feed themselves.  All day long they are on the move waddling from one side of the property to another, quacking all the way..  They stick their bills in the soft ground and dig for treats. They are so entertaining because they are clearly enthusiastic about everything they do.  They shift my perspective whenever I can remember to pause and enjoy their activities, all of which they do with great gusto!
